First version: 2021-12-09 
Last updated: 2025-02-13
Last change: links to new ISMS and underlying documents


This FAQ is a comprised out of links to other articles related to a particular topic.

Contact details

  1. Contact information

General understanding of myDRE

  1. GDPR Compliance Assessment
     - This document describes in detail anDREa's compliance with the GDPR; in what way anDREa unburdens the myDRE Tenants and the Accountable of Workspaces in being demonstrably compliant with the GDPR. A number of GDPR Articles are explicitly evaluated.
    1. anDREa & Subprocessors
    2. myDRE Workspaces DO NOT use Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, or Sharepoint to store or process data
    3. Microsoft is committed to EU-U.S. Data Agreement
  2. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) - anDREa's own DPIA
  3. Data Handling Policy
  4. Data Protection Policy
  5. Data Breach Procedure
  6. Terms of Services (TOS)
  7. End User License Agreement (EULA)
  8. Privacy Shield / Schrems II - anDREa's view on impact on Schrems II and the use of Remote Desktop Protocol
    1. Microsoft is committed to EU-U.S. Data Agreement
  9. CIA (BIV) Classification
  10. Location of data storage and processing
  11. Does anDREa have access to the data in a Workspace?
  12. myDRE and IAM
  13. Who/what is License Administrator /
  14. Account sharing
  15. Data - ownership, responsibility, and control
  16. Retention & Destruction Policy

Security in general


  1. ISO 27001 - Overview - Statement of Applicability, including all policies and controls; downloadable ISO27001 certificate
  2. CIA (BIV) Classification


  1. anDREa & Subprocessors
  2. Does anDREa have access to the data in a Workspace?
  3. Foundation for Audit Recording
  4. myDRE and IAM
  5. Who/what is License Administrator /
  6. Using Azure Security Score


  1. Overview Agreements (incl. implementation steps)
  2. Support Team Onboarding
  3. Subscription Enrolment
    1. Additional Subscription Enrolment
  4. License Server Access from anDREa
  5. User onboarding (information & training)


  1. Offboarding and Exit Strategy

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