Privacy Shield / Schrems II

Privacy Shield / Schrems II


The EU–US Privacy Shield was a framework for regulating transatlantic exchanges of personal data for commercial purposes between the European Union and the United States.

One of its purposes was to enable US companies to more easily receive personal data from EU entities under EU privacy laws meant to protect European Union citizens. The EU–US Privacy Shield was a replacement for the International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles, which were declared invalid by the European Court of Justice in October 2015.


Affected companies will now have to sign "standard contractual clauses": non-negotiable legal contracts drawn up by Europe, which are used in other countries besides the US.

They are already used by many big players. Microsoft, for example, has issued a statement saying it already uses them and is unaffected.

What does anDREa (processor) do to help you and your organization (controller):

  1. By default all resources, virtual machines and storage, are deployed in a Microsoft Azure Data Center inside the EU/EEA (Amsterdam)
  2. Each Workspace and their data are encrypted at-rest and in-transit
  3. Each Workspace are Role-Based-Access-Controlled (RBAC)
  4. Each Workspace requires 2 Factor Authentication
  5. Extensive logging of access and attempts for non-authorized access 
The above compliments the evidence for the requirement: Controllers and processors of personal data must put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to implement the data protection principles (GDPR)

In addition to your own organizational measures, you might consider the following:

  1. Ensure you have processing agreements with at least all external people before enrolling them in a Workspace
  2. Carefully consider the role other than Member in your workspace for people that are not 100% member of the EU/EEA

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