Additional Subscription Enrolment

Additional Subscription Enrolment


This procedure describes the process for existing Tenants to add additional Azure Subscriptions.
Typical use cases:
  1. Current Azure Subscription(s) have only room for a couple more Workspace (max 100 Workspaces per Azure Subscription)
  2. An Azure Subscription not able to access the organization's license servers
  3. An Azure Subscription for a dedicated group


  1. A person at the Tenant:
    1. Has access to a by the Tenant created Azure Subscription or can create an Azure Subscription
    2. Is member in both Tenant's AAD and anDREa AAD
    3. Is privileged by the Tenant to move Azure Subscriptions


  1. Go the the Subscription page in Azure Portal, and select the Azure Subscription, and press Overview
  2. Press Change Directory
  3. Select the directory (f614c3e2-2493-4b3b-a84d-7ceae8753be3)
  4. Submit a ticket requesting to configuring the Azure Subscription:
    1. Tenant name
    2. Name and ID of the Azure Subscription
    3. Purpose: Workspaces (usually) or Shared Resources
    4. Connect to organization's license servers: yes or no
    5. Additional remarks, or requirements (Bastion, SPSS LicenseServer, ...)
      1. For SPSS LicenseServer in Workspace-routes fill in the following:
        1. Name: LinceseServerSPSS
        2. Address prefix:
        3. Next hop type: Virtual appliance
        4. Next hop IP address:

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