End User License Agreement (EULA)
First version: 2021-05-27
Last version: 2023-11-28
Last change: Banner on top

anDREa reserves the right to modify the EULA and SLA at any time in its sole discretion. Changes will be effective upon the posting of the modifications on the EULA and mydre.org, and SLA or when otherwise communicated to the Client. The Client's continued use of the Services after any such changes shall constitute consent to such changes. The Client is responsible for regularly reviewing the most current version of the EULA and SLA.
anDREa's EULA is defined by the following documents:
- Terms of Service
- Privacy Policy
- Cooky Policy
- Data Protection Policy
If you as a user login to mydre.org, you have understood and agree to the above.
To understand the purpose and the foundation, it is highly recommended to take note of:
- Security Manifesto
- CIA / BIV classification
- GDPR Compliance Assessment
- This describes how myDRE/anDREa help you in being demonstrable compliant and what is your own (organization's) responsibility
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