anDREa Service Level Agreement
First version: 2021-12-19
Last updated: 2023-11-28
Last change: Banner on top
anDREa reserves the right to modify the EULA and SLA at any time in its sole discretion. Changes will be effective upon the posting of the modifications on the
EULA and, and
SLA or when otherwise communicated to the Client. The Client's continued use of the Services after any such changes shall constitute consent to such changes. The Client is responsible for regularly reviewing the most current version of the EULA and SLA.
Applicable to:
- anDREa / myDRE standard services
- anDREa / myDRE optional services
| Definition |
Prio 1 tickets | - Unavailability impacting > 20% of the users/Workspaces
- (Suspected) Security/Privacy compromise
Prio 2 tickets | - Approved Outside SLA Requests |
Prio 3 tickets | - Any other |
Response times
Support Team SLA (highly recommended)
These are the recommended response times for the Support Teams (local).
| Recommended response |
Creating Workspace | < 8 working hours |
Add new user** | < 8 working hours |
Responding to prio 1 tickets | < 2 working hours |
Responding to prio 2 tickets | < 8 working hours |
Responding to prio 3 tickets | < 3 working days |
** not all Support Teams are allowed to create new users.
For activities the local Support Team is not privileged, the corresponding SLA shifts to anDREa Support Team SLA.
anDREa Support Team
| Response |
Add new user** | < 8 working hours |
Responding to prio 1 tickets | < 2 working hours |
Responding to prio 2 tickets | < 8 working hours |
Responding to prio 3 tickets | < 3 working days |
Respond to (local) Support Team tickets
| < 4 working hours |
Core functionalities & Responsibilities
Functionality | User | Local Support Team | anDREa Support Team |
Add Azure Subscription |
| X: via ticket, requires Tenant |
Move back Azure Subscription |
| X*: via Tenant CSP, does not require anDREa | X: via ticket, requires Tenant |
Create/modify user account |
| X**: via ticket, in Azure Portal via PIM | X: via ticket, in Azure Portal via PIM |
Add Workspace |
| X | X: via ticket, special situations only |
Delete Workspace |
| X: via ticket |
Add VM | Privileged Member/Owner |
Modify VM | Privileged Member/Owner |
Start/Deallocate VM | Member and higher |
Ingress Data | Member and higher |
Egress Data | Members and higher, requires approval of Privileged Member/Owner |
Add/remove members | Privileged Member/Owner |
Create Outbound rules | Privileged Member/Owner |
Turn on/off outbound rules | Privileged Member/Owner |
KPIs & Metrics
While anDREa has a strong preference for self-service, either by
Metric | Commitment | Measurement |
Availability | 99+% | Per 4 weeks (=4 weeks * 7 days * 24 hours= 672 hours)
Excluding |
Actual availability availability according to KPI | availability incl. Microsoft Azure availability |
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