GDPR Compliance Assessment

GDPR Compliance Assessment

First version: 2021-05-16
Last updated: 2024-03-12
Last change: Fixed links to GDPR articles to refer to the official EC website.


The purpose of this document is to describe anDREa’s compliance with the GDPR. This document also describes in what way anDREa unburdens the myDRE Tenants and the Accountable of Workspaces in being demonstrably compliant with the GDPR.

The statement of GDPR Compliance Assessment is based on the GDPR Compliance Checklist of appknox

This document will be updated at least annually and when significant change happens to the relevant areas covered.

GDPR Compliance Assessment — General

Lawful basis and transparency 

What information is processed and who has access to it?

Organizations that have at least 250 employees or conduct higher-risk data processing are required to keep an up-to-date and detailed list of their processing activities and be prepared to show that list to regulators upon request. 

The list should include: the purposes of the processing, what kind of data is processed, who has access to it in your organization, any third parties (and where they are located) that have access, what you're doing to protect the data (e.g. encryption), and when you plan to erase it (if possible). 

myDRE does not provide evidence of: 
myDRE does not provide evidence of 
However, this usually can be found in/obtained from
Full list of studies
Study Registry
The purpose of the processing 
Ethical Commission approval, Data Management Plan, Study Registry
What kind of data is processed 
Data Management Plan 
Location of the third parties
Processing agreement 
When you plan to erase the data
Data Management Plan

myDRE does provide evidence of 
myDRE does provide evidence of 
This can be found in 
Who has/had access (incl. third parties) 
Access to a Workspace is restricted to members, logging of the history is available  
What is done to protect the data 
- Only authorized users/processes have access to a Workspace
- Users are required username, password and MFA (incl number matching)
- Data is encrypted in-transit
- Data is encrypted at-rest
- Data is only stored and processed in the by the Tenant decided Microsoft Azure Region
Erasing data 
When a Workspace is deleted, all the data is deleted. 
Erasure of data on the Data Share comes really in effect when the 30-day rolling snapshot passes after deletion, and any backups prior to the erasure of data are deleted. 

Processing of data is illegal under the GDPR unless you can justify it according to one of six conditions listed in Article 6. There are other provisions related to children and special categories of personal data in Articles 7-11. Review these provisions, choose a lawful basis for processing, and document your rationale. Note that if you choose "consent" as your lawful basis, there are extra obligations, including giving data subjects the ongoing opportunity to revoke consent. If "legitimate interests" is your lawful basis, you must be able to demonstrate you have conducted a privacy impact assessment. 

myDRE does not provide evidence of: 
myDRE does not provide evidence of 
However, this usually can be found in/obtained from
Any legal justification, nor the lawfulness for processing of data in a Workspace
Ethical Commission Approval, Informed Consent of participants 

myDRE does provide evidence of 
myDRE does provide evidence of 
This can be found in/obtained from 
Legal justification and the lawfulness for processing myDRE user information
The logging of the consent people give before their account has been created.

You need to tell people that you're collecting their data and why (Article 12). You should explain how the data is processed, who has access to it, and how you're keeping it safe. This information should be included in your privacy policy and provided to data subjects at the time you collect their data. It must be presented "in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child." 

myDRE does not provide evidence of: 
myDRE does not provide evidence of 
However, this usually can be found in/obtained from
Clear information about data processing in a Workspace
Data Management Plan, Informed Consent 
Legal justification in privacy policy that applies to the data in a Workspace
Informed Consent, or the approved argumentation for using an other basis of processing (Article 6)
Clear information about data processing of subject data in a Workspace
Data Management Plan, Informed Consent, Study Proposal, Study Management System

myDRE does provide evidence of 
myDRE does provide evidence of 
This can be found in/obtained from
Clear information about data processing of User Account data
Cookie Policies
Legal justification in privacy policy for User Account data

Data security 

Data protection from developing to processing 

You must follow the principles of "data protection by design and by default," including implementing "appropriate technical and organizational measures" to protect data. In other words, data protection is something you now have to consider whenever you do anything with other people's personal data. You also need to make sure any processing of personal data adheres to the data protection principles outlined in Article 5. Technical measures include encryption, and organizational measures are things like limiting the amount of personal data you collect or deleting data you no longer need. The point is that it needs to be something you and your employees are always aware of. 

myDRE does not provide evidence of: 
myDRE does not provide evidence of 
However, this usually can be found in/obtained from
Implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures, such as pseudonymisation, which are designed to implement data-protection principles, such as data minimization, in an effective manner and to integrate the necessary safeguards into the processing in order to meet the requirements of this Regulation and protect the rights of data subjects
Data Management Plan, Study Management System

myDRE does provide evidence of 
myDRE does provide evidence of 
This can be found in 
Who was allowed to access the data in what role, who accessed the Workspace, who requested egress, who approved egress, who egressed when what, who approved opening specific outbound ip-address/domain access.
In logging (retained for 90 days) and in audit records

GDPR Compliance Assessment — Detailed


GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Not anDREa's responsibility
Record keeping
Maintain records of the controller and Data Protection Officer (if applicable). Maintain categories of data, logs of transfers. Wherever possible add descriptions of possible measures taken to ensure security. 
myDRE maintains records of: 
- Workspace membership 
- Data transfer using Portal 

- Maintaining records of the controller and Data Protection Officer is the responsibility of the Tenant 
- Maintaining categories of data (e.g. in Data Management Plan, research management tool) is the responsibility of the PI 
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Establish whether the company is required to have a DPO. If the company is not required to have a DPO, you may appoint a voluntary DPO. 
DPO contact details must be notified to the regulatory authority and published to the public.
anDREa is not required to have a DPO. The role CTO takes care of the responsibilities of the DPO
A DPO (FG, Functionaris Gegevensbescherming) is the responsibility of the Tenant 
Employee Training 
Employees who handle personal data of either customers or other employees must be trained to handle it according to GDPR principles.
The role Accountable in a Workspace is responsible to ensure that all the members are trained in GDPR principles
Policies and Procedures
There is a list that covers different policies and procedures. There is no fixed way to handle this but it should be done according to what is applicable for your business. Some of the items on the list are: 
- General Data Protection Policy 
- Data Subject Access Rights Procedure 
- Data Retention Policy 
- Data Breach Escalation and Checklist 
- Employee Privacy Policy and Notice 
- Processing customer data policy 
- Guidance on privacy notices

Tenant/Accountable is responsible for data subjects in a Workspace

Privacy Notices 

Privacy notices basically put emphasis on the transparency requirement of GDPR. All notices issued must be information, concise and clear. Employees and customers need to be adequately informed of all data processing activities and information set out in Articles 12 to14 must be provided. 

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Issue notices at the right time
Notices must be given at the time that the data is obtained from the data subject, or if the data was received from a third party, within a reasonable period after obtaining the data but at the latest within one-month 
Articles 12-14
anDREa does not receive user data from third parties.

People will only be onboarded as users if they explicitly agree.
Tenant/Accountable is responsible to give notice to data subjects whose data is being processed in a Workspace.
Be complete and concise 
Notices must be complete and provide all the required information, like the identity of the controller, purpose of processing, duration, consent, right to withdraw consent, etc.
The information for potential users of the myDRE is complete and concise.
Tenant/Accountable is responsible for data subjects in a Workspace.
Easy to understand and comprehend 
The format of the notice should be easy to read, handle and understand 
The information for potential users of the myDRE is easy to understand and comprehend.
Tenant/Accountable is responsible for data subjects in a Workspace.

Fair Processing 

The Fair Processing category means that in order to lawfully process personal data, the conditions of processing must be met. This category is pretty much similar to what the processing rules were in the current Data Privacy Directive except for a few new requirements. 

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Establish a legal basis for processing all the personal data that you hold
As a business, you need to be able to provide evidence that you have a legal basis to own and process personal data that you hold. Consent from the data subject, the legal obligation of the controller, and special care where data is that of a child is necessary. 
Articles 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 85 to 91
For myDRE users this is part of the onboarding procedure.
Ensure informed consent of each participant, or have an approval to work without informed consent
A few questions to answer here: 
- Does your company carry out profiling on employees or customers? 
-If so, does this profiling result in making a decision about the individual which would have a significant legal effect or similar on that individual e.g. refusal of credit or refusal for an interview? 
- If the answer to (b) is yes, does your Company have the consent of the individuals to this profiling? 
anDREa does not profile employees or users.
Conduct a DPIA per Study
If your business processes personal data of children, then consider the language used for privacy notices and plan out how to obtain valid consent from parents/guardians. 
anDREa users are 16+
Ensure compliance with these articles

Data Subject Rights 

Current data subject rights require you to request access to data when you need it, rectify it or delete it. Under GDPR, it's not just the right to access data but also provide it in a machine-readable format, also called data portability. 

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Data subject access right
As a company, are your employees or customers allowed to get access to their personal data processed by your company?
Do you have employees that have been trained to respond to such requests within the stimulated timeframe of 1 month?
Article 15 
When requested, anDREa can and will provide access to their personal data processed by anDREa and as a general rule of thumb this will be done within 1 month after a written request.
Tenant/Accountable is responsible for any requests regarding subjects whose data resides in a Workspace.
Processed to allow subjects to exercise their rights
This basically understands if as a company you have the technology and processes in place to allow data subjects to exercise their rights like the right to erasure, data portability, restriction of processing, and right to object. 
When requested anDREa can and will remove user account information.
User interaction in logging will be retained for compliance requirements.

Tenant/Accountable is responsible for any requests regarding subjects whose data resides in a Workspace.

Privacy by Design and Default 

One of the major objectives of GDPR is to bring privacy consideration to the forefront of every organization. The GDPR requires data protection requirements to be considered when new technologies are designed or on-boarded or new projects using data are being considered. You should ensure that you perform an assessment to understand the impact to privacy as you onboard new projects.

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Privacy by design
The controller shall, both at the time of the determination of the means for processing and at the time of the processing itself, implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in an effective manner. The controller is responsible to integrate the necessary safeguards into the processing in order to meet the requirements of this regulation and protect the rights of data subjects 
Article 25
All data is and only is role based accessed and requires username, password and 2FA.
For all data in a Workspace the Tenant or Accountable is the controller.
Privacy by default
The controller shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures for ensuring that, by default, only personal data which are necessary for each specific purpose of the processing are processed. In particular, such measures shall ensure that by default personal data are not made accessible without the individual's intervention to an indefinite number of natural persons. 
The minimum amount of myDRE user data is processed: name, email, phone number, membership of what Workspaces in what role, activities such as but not limited to ingress, access, egress, add/remove members, add/remove resources, start/stop resourcesData Handling Policy
For all data in a Workspace the Tenant or Accountable is the controller.

International Data Export 

Under the International Data Export rule of the GDPR, companies are permitted to export data within its group and third-party vendors outside the European Economic Area (EEA) if the country in which the recipient of such data is established offers an adequate level of protection. 

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Group companies or third-party vendors
If you use group companies or third-party vendors to process data, there must be a written contract with each one of them validating that they meet the expectations set out in Article 28.
Article 28 
anDREa uses three third party vendors:
  1. Microsoft (Azure AAD)
  2. Google (Docs)
  3. Zoho (Desk)
If a Workspace uses resources outside the EEA (by default it is within EEA), the necessary written contracts have to be in place.
Transferring data out of EEA 
If you are exporting data outside of EEA, you need to follow an approved transfer mechanism, which includes one of the following: 
A) a country which has a finding of adequacy from the European Commission
B) If it is within The Company group, are binding corporate rules in place?
C) Standard contractual clauses as approved by the European Commission
D) If the transfer is to the US, on the basis of the Privacy Shield. 
E) With the consent of the data subject. 
F) The transfer is necessary to carry out a contract with the data subject 
G) The transfer is in the public interest 
H) The transfer is necessary to establish, exercise or defend legal rights 
I) The transfer is necessary to protect the vital interests of a person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.
anDREa, if at all, will only transfer data to another site on explicit instruction of a Tenant or Accountable person.

It is not possible to transfer data from one Microsoft Azure Region to another.

Tenant or Accountable is responsible for complying to Articles 44-49 if applicable. 
Usually this is part of Data Transfer Agreements made with receiving parties


GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Appropriate security measures for personal data
Security has to be appropriate to the likely risks to individuals if data was lost, stolen or disclosed to unauthorized people. 
It is important to note here that the security covers both organizational as well as technical measures. Some factors to consider are:
- Pseudonymisation 
- Encryption 
- Ensuring ongoing integrity, confidentiality, availability and resiliency 
- The ability to restore in a timely manner 
- Processes for testing security
Article 32
- Data is encrypted at rest
- Data is encrypted in transit
- 30-day rolling snapshots are made of the data that can be self-serviced restored
- myDRE / Shared Tenant code lifecycle follow a strict procedure
myDRE is classified for Integrity (of data) as MEDIUM, found suitable for most studies- myDRE is classified for Availability MEDIUM, found suitable for most studies
- Pseudonymisation, encryption is the responsibility of the PI/Tenant

- Workspace members are responsible for checking the data ingress, processing, and egress fitting the classification for Integrity (of data) as MEDIUM, found suitable for most studies

- Workspace itself

Data Breach Procedures 

As part of the new GDPR compliance checklist is a data breach notification rule. The process requires organizations to act quickly, mitigate losses and, where mandatory notification thresholds are met, notify regulators and affected data subjects. 

GDPR Article(s)
Implementation in myDRE
Tenant Responsibility
Mandatory notification
Do you have the necessary procedures in place to report a breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of it?
The breach has to be investigated and details provided to the regulator and mitigations have to be taken to address it. 
Article 33
Data Breach Procedure

This expanded with notification to myDRE Tenant(s) in case anDREa is aware of a (potential) data breach of one or more of their Workspaces
Tenant remains Controller of data residing in Workspaces

Data Breaches affecting the Tenant will be notified to the Tenant appointed person(s)
Notification to affected individuals
If the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the company will need to notify the individuals affected. Only if the data is encrypted or otherwise unintelligible, then individuals will not need to be notified. 

This expanded with notification to Azure DRE Tenant(s) in case anDREa is aware of a (potential) data breach of one or more of their Workspaces
- Tenant remains Controller of data residing in Workspaces
- Data Breaches affecting the Tenant will be notified to the Tenant appointed person(s) 

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