Starting and Stopping VM's

Starting and Stopping VM's

This feature is available to Accountable, Privileged member, Advanced member, Standard member.
Although VMs are not physically present on your desk,  like a laptop or desktop, they are very similar in use. This means that you also need to start and stop them. But instead of pressing a physical button, you need to click on the start and stop button in the myDRE portal. Please find the quick instructions below for starting and stopping a VM. 
Once a VM is running, it incurs costs. It's therefore important to turn off the VM after you're done using it. All workspace members can start VMs, so make sure that everyone is also aware that they need to stop VMs too. Learn more in our article on tips and  tricks for efficient usage.
By default, there is an auto-shutdown present on DRE VMs to prevent VMs from running forever because workspace members forget to turn them off. You can adjust this setting or turn it off. 
In Azure terms, starting a VM is called ' allocating' and stopping a VM is called ' deallocating'. You might sometimes run into these terms. 

How to start a VM

  1. Go to your workspace.
  2. In the Virtual Machines tab, select the VM you want to start.
  3. Click on Start
The VM will now start up, which is reflected in its status. It will take about 2 to 3 minutes before the VM is running. Afterwards, you can connect to it (see below).
From the moment a VM is running, it will incure costs.

How to connect to a Windows VM

  1. Click on the Connect button (or select arrow down next to the Connect button)
    1. This will result in the download of an RDP file. 
  2. Click on the downloaded RDP file to open it.
    1. If you're working on a Windows computer, this will always work.
    2. If you're working on a Mac, you first need to download the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the app store. With that app, you can open the RDP file.
  3. Click through the prompts and fill in your password. Answer affirmatively, e.g. "connect"/"yes"/"ok"/etc.
    1. The exact prompts may differ for Windows/Mac users. Just make sure to connect and not cancel.
    2. You need to connect with your password.
The VM should open up in a new screen. You should be presented with a regular Windows desktop, as you may be used to.

How to stop a VM

  1. In the Virtual Machines tab, select the VM you want to stop. 
  2. Click on the red stop button on the card
The VM will now shut down. It will take about a minute before the VM is deallocated

Please be aware that Status Stopped does not mean deallocated, please always deallocate your VM!

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