DRE costs

DRE costs

What are the costs for using the DRE?

The costs for the DRE are comprised of three elements:
  1. Data storage, at approximately €0.06 per GB per month (only for storage on workspace Z:-drive/data)
  2. Virtual machines, at approximately €10 per machine per month (costs for 128 GB OS Disk attached to machine)
  3. Use costs of the virtual machine, exact costs depend on type of machine and usage (cost per hour is displayed when creating / resizing a machine)
This article provides a cost calculator that can give a gross estimate of the costs of your workspace.

Radboudumc sponsoring

For Radboudumc workspaces, costs up to €20 per month will not be billed to the provided cost center. This amount has been determined based on "basic usage" of the DRE in the past: approximately 100 GB of data stored on the Z:-drive, and one virtual machine of type B2s (2 CPU, 4 GB RAM) that is used approximately 10% of a full month (i.e., (24 hours * 30 days) * 0.10 = 72 hours). The amount that is covered centrally by Radboudumc is fixed, how you use it is up to you.

Please be informed that on-premises storage provided by Radboudumc is more expensive than data storage in the DRE (see also Prijzen Gegevensopslag in the ICT Self-service portal), and that the compute facility of the DRE offers more flexibility than Radboudumc Werkplek in terms of the choice of software.

How can I manage the costs of my workspace?

See the Tips and Tricks article provided by anDREa for ways to keep costs low. Use the budget insight feature to keep an eye on your current spending. Also, have a look at the Radboud Data Repository for data archiving and publishing.
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