Setting up budgets

Setting up budgets

This feature is available to Workspace Accountable and Privileged members

It's crucial to keep track of your workspace costs. Naturally, we do not want to spend more than you had planned.
For your workspace, you can specify one or more budgets. By default workspace budget will be set at the workspace creation and can be modified or removed by Workspace Accountable, Privileged members. 
A budget can be an estimate of what you think you will spend, or how much you want to spend at maximum.
Based on the budgeted amount of money, you can turn on e-mail notifications that trigger at 60, 80, 90 and 100% of that amount. 

A budget is a not a hard limit to your spending! It is a warning. This means you can still spend more than you set your budget to.
Budgets are compared to the raw expenditure of your workspace resources. This excludes VAT and any additional charges or discounts associated with your Microsoft billing account.

Viewing the budget

Workspace Accountable, Privileged members, Advanced members and Standard members can view existing budgets.

In the fresh view you will now be able to see the graphical representation of spending and over the budget. This view is created based on the budget/cost allocation that is done for the workspace.

How to create a budget

Workspace Accountable or Privileged members can create new budgets
  1. Go to the Budgets tab in your workspace

  1. Click on button 'Create a Budget'

  1. Fill in the Budget you want to use per Reset Period.
  2. Choose the Reset period.
  3. Choose one or more levels when you want notification (60%, 70%, 100% of your budget)
  4. Enter the e-mail address(es) of who must be informed.
Hint: press enter to add an email
  1. Click on Save.

How to modify or delete a budget

Workspace Accountable or Privileged members can create new budgets
  1. Click on Edit Budget to change any of the parameters of the existing budget.
  2. Click on the Delete to delete the budget.

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