What is workspace management?

What is workspace management?

By workspace management, we mean the administrative tasks that workspace Accountable and Privileged members of the workspace can ánd should perform to ensure smooth operation of the workspace. It includes:
  1. Adding, removing, changing roles: so to make sure that only those who need access to the workspace, actually have access to the workspace. 
  2. Installing software on the VMs: so to make sure that the required analyses can be performed.
  3. Supervising data uploads and (dis)approving data requests: so to make sure that you know what data is going in and out of your workspace.
  4. Keeping track of costs: so to make sure that the costs do not exceed the planned amount.
These core aspects of workspace management make sure that you and the regular members of the workspace can use your myDRE workspace to the fullest. All Owners of the workspace have all the permissions required to perform workspace management: it's up to them to decide who performs the tasks described here and in more detail in the linked individual articles. 

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