Adding, removing, changing roles

Adding, removing, changing roles

Adding members to a workspace

On myDRE platform, Workspace Accountable and Workspace Privileged member can invite or add members with existing accounts to their workspace. Simply navigate to the Members tab of your workspace and select the +Add member icon at the bottom right of the screen. Members with an existing account can be found by searching for their account. Next to that, you can select the role (Owner or Member) for this particular account. In short, adding existing members to your workspace is now a self-service feature. Be aware that is action is not performed by the support members anymore (compared to before on, the permission to add users to a workspace is now exclusive to workspace Owners.

  1. Navigate to the Members tab in your workspace

  1. Click on + Add a member

  1. Type in the exact account which you have received in the e-mail and choose the role in which the user will be added from the dropdown menu. Click Save and user will be added to the workspace.

The user cannot be found?

Copy the exact account which you have received in the e-mail. User still not found? This user probably does not have an account yet. Please create a ticket and request a new DRE account for the particular user. All we need to know is a first name, last name and e-mail address. Your local Support Team member will create an account and will notify you once this is done. You, as an Accountable or Priviledged member, can now add the account to your workspace.

Removing members

It might occur that you want to remove a particular user from your workspace. As a workspace Accountable or Privileged member you can simply remove the user from your workspace with the Remove button next to their name and confirm changes. 

Removing yourself from the workspace

You can also remove yourself from the workspace by clicking on the trash bin icon next to your name. Please be aware that this is irreversible action and if removed from the workspace, ask workspace Accountable to add you back. 
Be aware that removing yourself from the workspace is irreversible action!
Workspace Accountable is not able to remove themselves from the workspace. If you are workspace Accountable and need to reassign this role to someone else, submit a ticket to your Local Support Team member  (do not forget to mention the workspace name and reason for change)

Changing roles

Workspace Accountable or Privileged member can change the role of other workspace members by clicking on Change role button.
  1. Select the member of the workspace who's role you wish to change
  2. Click on the exchange icon

  1. Change the member role by selecting a new role from the dropdown menu and click Update

You cannot change the role of the Accountable. If Accountable needs to be changed, please submit a ticket to your Local Support team member (do not forget to mention the workspace name and reason for change)
You cannot change your own role in the workspace. Please ask workspace Accountable or Privileged Member to do this for you.

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