Storage types in the workspace

Storage types in the workspace

There are many different storage types in the workspace. Below is an overview.

Storage type
Back-up policy
Cost (estimated)
Recommended use
Storage size
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File share (data/Z- drive)
File share is offered by Azure Files. Multiple VMs in the same workspace can share the same files with both read and write access.
Snapshots are taken everyday at 23:00 (UCT+1) and saved for 30 days. Snapshots are changes of data compared to the previous day. 
0.064 per GiB per month
Data, scripts and reports.
5 TiB by default

Operating system disk (C-drive in Windows VM)
OS disk normally uses Standard SSD LRS for disk SKU.
No back-up. The OS disk is deleted once the VM is deleted.
For information about cost, see Managed Disks pricing.
The OS disk has the important job of storing your computer’s operating system as well as applications you use.  Any other kind of files can slow the computer down and are susceptible to lost after a system update.
2 TiB for managed disk and temporal storage depending on the VM size. 

Blob storage
Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud.
No back-up. 
For information about cost, see Azure Blob Storage pricing.
Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data.
Depending on usage.
Extra disk attached to VM
Azure Managed Disks are high-performance, durable block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. 
No back-up.
For information about cost, see Managed Disks pricing.
Attaching extra disk to VM is ideal for keeping application separated from OS disk and you can temporarily copy data to perform tasks quickly.
Depending on disk size.

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