Requesting new DRE accounts

Requesting new DRE accounts

Everyone that wants to use DRE, first needs a account. Once someone has an account, they can be added to workspaces.
Most often, people receive an account because their personal information was passed along during a new workspace request. However, it's also possible to solely request new accounts. For instance, an existing workspace Owner may want to add someone new to their workspace, and this person is not a DRE user yet. Follow the instructions below to put in such requests.
  1. Sign in/up on with your organizational e-mail address.
  2. Click on My Tickets at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the Add Ticket button.

  1. Choose your organization. If you're an external user, then the responsibility of the workspace is with one of the organizations you can choose from.

  1. Choose Request new DRE accounts as ticket layout and fill in the fields.
    1. Make sure to include first names, last names and e-mailaddresses.
    2. Submit the ticket and it will be assigned to a support member of the chosen organization. For example, Erasmus MC tickets will be assigned to an Erasmus MC support member.
New DRE accounts will follow the convention: [first name].[last name], possibly with a -[number] if necessary.
Beware: older accounts from before April 2021 follow the convention [your email prefix] 
We will contact both the person for whom the account was created ánd the requester and provide instructions on what to do next.
  1. The person for whom the account was created needs to follow the instructions in the Activating your new account article.
  2. The requester, usually an Owner in a workspace, needs to add the account to the relevant workspace(s), see Adding and removing members, and changing roles
Beware: Support staff will not add new users to workspaces - this is the responsibility of workspace Owners!

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