E-mail notification before auto-shutdown triggers

E-mail notification before auto-shutdown triggers


By default, all DRE VMs will be automatically shut down at 19:00 UCT +01:00 (Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, etc). This auto-shutdown is there to prevent you from incurring unnecessary costs because you forgot to deallocate the VM(s). The auto-shutdown can also be adjusted by workpace Owners. Read more about the auto-shutdown here: Adjusting the auto-shutdown.

However, it might be desirable to receive a notification before the auto-shutdown triggers. Azure provides the option to send an e-mail notification 30 minutes before the auto-shutdown is triggered.

How to enable the e-mail notification?

Some notes to be aware of:
  1. Workspace Accountable or Privileged Member rights are required.
  2. This has to be set up manually in the Azure Portal: per VM, per e-mail address that needs to receive a notification. 
    1. Therefore, be aware that when a new researcher has been added to the workspace that this e-mail address (if desired) has to be added to every single VM of the workspace.
  1. Login to the Azure Portal with your @mydre.org account.
  2. In the search bar type the acronym or unique ID number of your workspace (dws-<unique ID>-<acronym>).

  1. Select your workspace under Resource Groups and you will see the resources in the workspace. Search for the Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine resources will have the naming conventions dwsxxxYYYserverz.

  1. Click on the Virtual Machine resource of which you want to receive the e-mail notification.
  2. In the left menu scroll down to Operations and click on Auto-shutdown.

  1. Double check if the auto-shutdown time is corresponding to the auto-shutdown displayed in the myDRE portal.

  1. Select Yes next to the option Send notification before auto-shutdown?
  2. In the E-mail address field fill in the e-mail addresses that need to receive the e-mail notification 30 minutes before the auto-shutdown is triggered. Separate individual e-mail addresses with a semi-colon (;) and no spaces.
  3. Hit Save.

  1. If the VM is running, all e-mail addresses that have been provided will receive an e-mail 30 minutes before the auto-shutdown is triggered. This e-mail also will contain links to extend the time.

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