AUMC - Instructions for the use of Chocolatey

AUMC - Instructions for the use of Chocolatey

How to install software through Chocolatey

Note: For AUMC users Chocolatey is only available through the VM template "Windows-AUMC-CV2/1.0.0".


1. Launch Chocolatey GUI. For the CV2 template there should be desktop shortcut to the application.

2. Launching the application might prompt a User Account Control pop-up, asking you to confirm if you want to allow the software to make changes to your device. Select 'Yes'.

3. The Chocolatey user interface should now open. Click on 'AUMC' on the left side of the window to navigate to the available software packages.


4. Select the software package you wish to install by double-clicking on the icon. This will also show some additional information about the software package, like the version number or a description. Click on 'Install' in the bottom right corner.

5. Depending one the software it might take a short while for the installation to start. The installation will work like a regular installation from a downloaded .exe or similar file.

6. Once the installation is complete Chocolatey will mark the package as installed in the AUMC overview window.

Important things to note:

1. Chocolatey only allows for one concurrent user. While you can log into a VM with up to two users, Chocolatey will not open if the other user already has the application opened. However, all the programs installed will be available to all users of the VM.

2. The installation of Anaconda and R/RStudio will also automatically configure the proxy-settings as described in the articles Proxy configurations Anaconda ( and R/RStudio installation using domain allowlisting on Windows VMs ( Only the proxy settings will be configured however. The domain allowlisting still needs to be done through the workspace menu as described here: Domain and IP Allowlisting [External Access] (

3. If you are planning on using Jupyter Notebook, please keep in mind that using it through Microsoft Edge can have some compatibility issues. For a better experience, install Google Chrome (also available in Chocolatey) as well and set it to be the default browser. This should ensure that Jupyter Notebook always uses Google Chrome to launch.

Available software packages:

  1. 7-zip
  2. Adobe Acrobat Reader
  3. Anaconda 3 (version 2022.10, packaged with Python 3.9)
  4. Google Chrome (version 121.0.6167.139)
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 (version 14.38.33135)
  6. Notepad++
  7. QuPath (version 0.5.0)
  8. R (version 4.3.2)
  9. RStudio (version 2023.9.1)
  10. RTools (version 4.3.0)
  11. SPSS Statistics (Version 28.0.1, packaged together with MS Visual C++ for dependency) 
  12. Stata SE 17
  13. VLC media player
  14. Visual Studio Code (version 1.85.0)


Unfortunately, the installation of certain applications require a couple extra steps. We are hoping to eliminate these extra steps in the future, for now however they remain.
The goal of this appendix is to guide you through these steps.

I. Installation of SPSS

1. When installing SPSS Statistics through Chocolatey, the first thing you will encounter is a prompt of Microsoft Visual C++. SPSS requires these libraries to function correctly and Visual C++ is not installed on your VM by default. So please install Visual C++. 
Because of how the Chocolatey installation is coded at this moment, aborting the Visual C++ installation will also abort the SPSS installation. If for whatever reason you already have Visual C++ installed before attempting to install SPSS, choose the option to repair the Visual C++ installation as to not abort the process. We are looking into streamlining this process in the future.

2. Once SPSS has been successfully installed, a Desktop shortcut will be created. If you launch the application, you will be greeted with a pop-up as shown below. Select 'Apply Existing License'.


3. For some reason this causes SPSS to not launch, but the license information should now be saved correctly. Launching SPSS again should now open the application correctly without any license activation prompts.

4. You are good to go!

II. Installation of Stata17

1. When installing Stata17 through Chocolatey, proceed through the InstallShield Wizard until you reach the Customer Information prompt. You don't need to enter any information here, just click on 'Next'.

2. Next you will be asked to choose which edition of Stata should be installed. Select StataSE (other editions are not covered by the license).

3. Leave the destination folder of the installation unchanged. After this you are asked whether the files of different users should be stored in their respective 'Documents' folder, or in a fixed, shared folder. Choose your own preference here. After this, the installation will be finished.

4. The first time when you launch Stata you will be prompted to choose when Stata should check for updates. Since this won't work in myDRE anyway, set it to 'Disable automatic update checking'.

5. Lastly, if you are planning to install any STATA packages, you need to set the proxy configuration. To do this, go to Edit > Preferences > General Preferences > Internet > Check 'Connect through a proxy server' and enter the address and port as shown below. Please keep in mind that you might also have to allowlist the domain where the package in question is hosted!

6. You are good to go!

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