Adding VMs

Adding VMs


This feature is available to Workspace Accountables and Privileged Members.

In a Workspace, you will most likely work with one or more Virtual Machines (VMs): either Windows- or Linux-based. When requesting a Workspace, VMs can be added to the Workspace by your local Support Team member. However, Workspace Accountables and Privileged Members are able to self-service add VMs to the Workspace.

Examples of situations where this might apply:
  1. You have more than two workspace members that need to work on a VM concurrently.
  2. You require a Linux VM.
  3. You need VMs with different applications.
  4. You want to logically divide functionalities over multiple VMs.
Adding extra VMs incurs additional costs. For each VM, a disk with the Operating System and all installed applications is stored. Additionally, running the extra VM costs money. Please read more in our Workspace costs article.

How to add VMs

  1. Navigate to your Workspace and enter the Workspace by clicking anywhere on the tile. By default you will land in the Virtual Machines tab.

  1. Workspace Accountables and Priviliged Members should see a purple + Add Virtual Machines button on the top left.

  1. Clicking the + Add Virtual Machines button will start the VM creation wizard. First, you can select one of the common VM templates. Please contact your local Support Team member for VMs that are made specifically for your organisation. A standard empty Windows VMs template based on Windows Server 2019 is Windows-Base/1.0.5

  1. After selecting the desired VM template, you can move on to Choose a VM Series. Select one of the categories.

  1. After selecting a category, you can proceed to Hardware configuration. Here you choose your VM type/size. If the desired VM size is not available, please submit a ticket to your local Support Team member to request the desired VM size. We usually recommend to start out with a small VM such as a B2ms-type (2 CPU, 8 GB RAM). 
    1. Be aware that some types have the SPOT tag. Before choosing a Spot VM, be sure that you understand what Spot VMs are. You can read more information about Spot VMs in here.

  1. After choosing your configuration, you can customise the quantity. Do you want to create one or multiple VMs?
    1. Be aware that one Workspace can hold up to 11 VMs in total.
  2. Click on Add Configuration.
  3. You can still change any of the configurations by clicking on Change.
  4. Finally, you will have an overview similar to a shopping cart with the configured VMs that you want to deploy. You can still change the quantity here, remove the configuration (by pressing X) or go back by pressing the arrow. The info box to the right shows how many VMs can be added to the Workspace up till a total of 11.

  1. When ready, click on Create virtual machines.
  2. A confirmation box will show up, click Yes when you want to proceed. A progress message will pop up.

  1. After a few seconds, the VM deployment will start. At the bottom it will display this message:

  1. VM deployment will take about 20 minutes. If the status is still on Deploying after 20 minutes, please try to use the Refresh button. After the deployment, the VM will have the status Running. Although you can technically sign in to the VM immediately, we recommend to deallocate it once first and then start it up again.

  1. If anything goes wrong during deployment, please create a ticket for your local Support Team member. Always mention:
    1. Workspace name.
    2. VM name.
    3. Status.
    4. If available, screenshot of an error.

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