Windows-OSDS/1.0.0 Open Source Data Science

Windows-OSDS/1.0.0 Open Source Data Science

Windows-OSDS/1.0.0 Open Source Data Science VM template

This template has been discontinued, it is not up-to-date anymore. Please contact your local Support Team member for institute-specific VM templates.


  1. Windows Server 2019

Web browsers

  1. Chrome (default)
    1. Default download location: request 
  2. Microsoft Edge


  1. Notepad++: 7.9.5
    1. Set as default according Notepad++
  2. Z-zip

Post VM creation


  1. Prior to install packages, run R/RStudio in admin mode and run the following command
  1. options(download.file.method = "libcurl", repos = c("CRAN" = ""))
  1. Create External Access Rule

Applications pre-installed


  1. Configured according R and Rstudio
  2. To add packages see Create External Access Rule for the Workspace
  1. R: 4.1.0
  2. Rstudio: 1.4.1106
    1. Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT')
  3. rtools: 40v2-x86_64
    1. How to use, see Authentication for using CastorR


  1. Configured according Python, Miniconda, Jupyterlab & Python Packages
  2. To add Conda-Forge packages see  Open Ports Anaconda
  1. Miniconda3-py39_4.9.2-Windows-x86_64
    1. Installed: conda install -c conda-forge tabulate openpyxl numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn castorapi bs4 tqdm pandasgui plotly 
  2. Jupyterlab
    1. Known issues
      1. jupyter lab build fails due to no internet
      2. plotly cannot show in cell, use for instance:
        import as px
        from plotly.offline import plot
        import numpy as np
        t = np.linspace(0, 2*np*pi, 100)
        fig = px.line(x=t, y=np.cos(t))
  3. cbsodata-1.3.4-py3-non-any.whl
    1. How to use, see CBS Open Data
    1. How to use, see Getting Secrets

Libre Office

  1. Libre Office: 7.1.3 win_x64
    1. LibreOffice_7.1.3_winx64_helppack_en-US

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