WARNING: Lsv2-series may receive errors

WARNING: Lsv2-series may receive errors

Users using Lsv2-series may experience issues.

From Microsoft

TYPE: Incident
STATUS: Active


Summary of Impact: Starting at 15:59 UTC on 20 Oct 2021, you have been identified as a customer using Virtual Machines in West Europe who may receive error notifications when attempting to create new and restart existing VMs in this region with SKU type Lsv2.


As a temporary workaround, customers can attempt the following
  1. Using Alternative VM-Series:
    1. General purpose or memory optimized VMs (DDSv4, DSv3, EDSv4, ESv3) in combination with managed disks.
    2. Utilizing a nearby region for deployment of Lsv2 SKUs.
    3. Ls-series (predecessor series to Lsv2). Available in some regions of Lsv2 presence.
    4. Deploy outside of peak business hours
We acknowledge that the above alternative are not ideal substitutes, and that using these alternatives may require significant changes to your deployment.

Current Status:

We have identified a capacity constraint in the region due to an unforeseen spike in demand and are undertaking several workstreams to mitigate the issue, including:

  1. Expediting work on nodes that were out for maintenance or repair.
  2. Balancing Lsv2 SKUs demand across compute clusters.
  3. 2 additional AMD scale units were recently added, and customers are advised to retry.

We're working to build out additional capacity long-term. We are investigating possible mitigation workstreams to mitigate the issue. The next update for Lsv2 SKUs will be provided on 19 Nov 2021 or as events warrant.


Service Name  Region
Virtual Machines  West Europe