[Resolved] Z: drive unavailable for a short period
Version: 2023-01-19

The Z: drive was not visible in the myDRE Workspaces due to the push of an incorrect configuration file. The issue has been resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused you.
What happened?
On 2023-01-19 at 13:46 (Amsterdam Time Zone), we noticed two tickets regarding the Z: drive being invisible within the VM.
Workspaces are by default without internet access. To make internet access available to a certain degree, we have introduced domain allowlisting. At the moment, this involves the creation of two files, a configuration file (config) and an acl file per Workspace. These files determine which Workspace has access to which domains. For this to work, these files have to be uploaded to the proxy storage account. Due to an error in one of the configuration files, the proxy went into unhealthy status and leading to the Z: drive being invisible in the VMs.
The issue has been resolved on 2023-01-19 at 14:34, resulting in a downtime of slightly less than an hour. The affected configuration file has been removed and adjusted. Moreover, the proxy has been restarted and returned to healthy status. The Z: drive should be visible again. Be aware that a restart of the VM might be needed.
We have received two support tickets regarding this issue. The anDREa Support Team quickly replicated the issue in different tenant subscriptions and the issue was quickly identified. anDREa believes that this issue impacted all users in Workspaces despite the lack of support tickets.
Next steps
We have added a few manual checks before uploading the config files to the proxy storage account. Meanwhile, anDREa is looking into automating these checks to prevent this issue from happening again.
Event log - real time updates

2023-01-19 @ 14:34
The issue has been resolved, Z: drive should be visible again. The VM might need a restart.

2023-01-19 @ 14:05
Issue trend recognized by the anDREa support team. Possible cause of the issue identified.

2023-01-19 @ 13:46
Issue first reported by two separate users.
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