Regarding email: Datalek persoonsgegevens bij Radboudumc / Data leak personal data at Radboudumc
Why did you get the email?
You are part of the Azure Active Directory of Radboudumc; either as an employee or as a guest.
How did I become a guest?
One way this could have happened is that you needed access to (previous version of the DRE).
Is my data/Workspace compromised?
No, your myDRE data/Workspace is safe and uncompromised. Currently the DRE is on not using the Radboudumc AAD, but that of anDREa. We have double checked and no non-authorized access took place.
Because all the Workspaces were migrated way before the incident at Radboudumc, all your data in your Workspace(s) is safe. Also the account you have now, <username>, is safe.
However, as the email from Radboudumc stated, your name, login name, email, and phone number could be known.
What should I do?
Even if you used the same password, you're @mydre user account is protected by MFA (annoyance has its merrits).
- Feel free to change you're password @mydre just in case you used the same one on or other accounts; definitely changing your @mydre or any password is not needed if you had a different one during the
- If you like your guest account removed at Radboudumc, you can use this form (a Google form) to enter the email address you received the email on, we will coordinate with Radboudumc to remove the guest account at Radboudumc.
Changing your password for account
- during the login into
- after entering your
- in the password screen: forget my password
- As always, be suspicious regarding emails and sms
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