Radboudumc DRE support availability

Radboudumc DRE support availability

Radboudumc DRE support is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

During the following period(s), support will be minimized to account and workspace creation:

19 July - 9 August 2024

Tickets that are not account or workspace requests will be read, but in principle will not be picked up during this period. If you run into an issue that cannot wait until full support is available again, please specify this in the ticket. Your ticket will then be forwarded to anDREa. Note that this does not guarantee that your question will be picked up before the end of abovementioned period(s).

We apologize for the inconvenience.

We often receive issue reports pertaining to specific software, that are not specific to the DRE. For these issues, we kindly refer you to online communities, such as Stackoverflow or Reddit.
Did you know support.mydre.org contains a vast knowledge base? Have a look at the Getting Started information, or everything you need to know about Virtual Machines.

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