First version: 2021-05-21
Last updated: 2024-01-25
The purpose of this document is to outline the process for requesting outside-SLA features to be used in or in conjunction with a Workspace.
Typical examples are:
- Common Share
- Serverless SQL
- General Storage Account V2
- Allowing certain inbound traffic
Generally speaking an Outside SLA Request usually implies a combination of changes in networking rules, authorizations and resources available in the Azure Marketplace.
These changes may impact auditability, security, and costs. To ensure demonstrable compliance this means:
- Documentation of the Outside SLA Request
- Sanity check by anDREa CTO which may or may not result in additional requirements or even a NOGO
- Sanity check by Security of the organization which may or may not result in additional requirements or even a NOGO
- Sign off on implications of the design by a Responsible (usually a departmental manager)
Outside SLA Request Process
Below is the process for Outside SLA Requests depicted. The directory containing all the Design Documents are only accessible for Local Support.
For each Outside SLA Request a new document is created to ensure documenting the responsible people for Sanity Checks and Sign-Off.