Linux - Fix for mounting issues

Linux - Fix for mounting issues

Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) created between December 2022 and 28 June 2023 are mounting far too many disks as a result of a bug in the mounting script. This bug may have led to unexpected side effects such as performance issues or sometimes being unable to login to the VM.


Newly deployed Linux VMs will already have these fixes applied. For existing Linux VMs we've included a script in this announcement to fix the issue. To run the script:

  1. Download the script in this article.
  2. Upload the script to your Workspace.
  3. Login to your Linux VM and open the console.
  4. Run the script with the following commands:
    1. cp /mnt/data/inbox/transfer-<time of upload>/ ./
    2. sudo ./
If you have any issues logging into your VM or reaching your mounted drives, please send us a support ticket.

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