Installing PyCharm with Sourcery plugin
First version: 2023-11-27
Last version: -
Last change: -

This is a community effort. The article was created by the anDREa Support Team in their spare time. If you have found a more efficient way to approach this, please contact us and we will update the article.
PyCharm is an integrated development environment used for programming in Python. It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated unit tester, integration with version control systems, and supports web development with Django. PyCharm is developed by the Czech company JetBrains. In this article, we describe the steps to install PyCharm and addition of plugins such as Sourcery. Sourcery is your ever-present pair programmer. Whether you're learning a new API, deciding the optimal location for a new method, or need instant new code, Sourcery provides immediate and precise answers.
- Workspace with a Windows VM.
- The role Privileged or Accountable Member.
- A Github account.
- Domains allowlisted:
- (needed to download PyCharm Community IDE and plugins)
- (needed to install a Python interpreter)
- (to sign in to a Github account)
- (to sign in to a Github account)
- (to sign in to a Github account)
- (to sign in to a Github account)
- OPTIONAL: Any other domains needed to download desired plugins.
- In this example we use Sourcery, so we need to allowlist
- OPTIONAL: Some plugins require paid subscriptions.
Steps to install
- Assure you have fulfilled all of the requirements.
- Log in to the Windows VM.
- Open Google Chrome and navigate to
- Scroll down and download the .exe file for PyCharm Community Edition.
- Go through the installation wizard of PyCharm.
- After installation, right click on PyCharm > Run as administrator.
- Go to Plugins. Note that the Plugins marketplace does not load. This is due to the Workspace being behind a proxy server. We will have to explicitly tell PyCharm the proxy settings.
- Within the Plugins menu, click on the cogwheel > HTTP Proxy Settings.
- Select Manual proxy configuration > HTTP and fill in the following details:
- Host name:
- Port number: 3128
- After clicking on OK, note that the plugins marketplace is now loading.
- As we're installing Sourcery in this example, search for Sourcery in the plugins marketplace and click on Install.
- After the Sourcery plugin is installed, go to Projects > New Project.
- PyCharm will ask you to install a basic interpreter like Python 3.9. Here you can set your desired settings and click on Create to install Python 3.9.
- To use the Sourcery plugin in your project, select the Sourcery button on the right and select Log in.
- This will open up a window with a code. Scroll down and click on Confirm.
- You can now log in to Sourcery by for example using your Github account. After it tells you that you have successfully logged in, you might have to select Opt In to proceed.
- Sourcery is now ready to use:
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