Logging into DRE

Logging into DRE

After you have activated your @mydre.org account, you can log into myDRE.
  1. Navigate to the login page of mydre.org
  2. Click on your @mydre.org account.
  3. (If your @mydre.org account is not listed, click on + Use another account, and fill in your @mydre.org username and password)
  4. Verify your login through Multi-Factor Authentication. This is either a verification message on your Authenticator app on your phone that you need to approve, or a code sent to your phone through SMS that you need to type over.
You can only login with your @mydre.org account. Not with your listed e-mail address!

You are now logged in. You should see an overview of all the workspaces you are a member of. All workspaces are hidden to those who are not a member of the workspace, even if they also use the myDRE platform.

Your workspace consists of two parts:
    1. A shared data drive for the entire workspaceThe shared data drive is accessible to all workspace members and to all VMs. Here, you store your spreadsheets, data and analysis scripts. This shared data drive is snapshotted (backed up) every 24h at approximately at 23:00, with a history going back 30 days at any time.
AlertBe aware: only this data drive is snapshotted! The C:-drives of the individual VMs are reset often, so do not save any of your data or analysis scripts there.

    2. One or multiple Virtual Machines (VMs)The VMs are the computers you use for computation, whether that is running an R-script for data analysis, running Jupyter notebooks for machine learning, or using SPSS for running statistical models. Each VM has access to the shared data drive. 
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