

Fiji is an image processing package — a "batteries-included" distribution of ImageJ, bundling many plugins which facilitate scientific image analysis. Like ImageJ itself, Fiji is an open source project hosted on GitHub, developed and written by the community.

Fiji may be available through your institute's software installer included in an institute-specific template (e.g., Radboudumc), or can be downloaded here: The program requires internet access to work (see the list at Domains to be Allowlisted). Additionally, you need to make the following changes in Fiji's own settings:

  1. Start the program and go to Edit > Options > Proxy Settings
  2. Fill in and port 3128
You may need to restart the program and/or manually start an update of Fiji after changing these settings.

Multiple users

All your settings in Fiji, including the proxy settings, are done in your personal account. So if you share a virtual machine with Fiji, everyone needs to add these settings. This can be solved by creating a shortcut to the ImageJ-win64.exe on the Public desktop (C:\Users\Public\Desktop) and adding the following launch parameters (right-click shortcut > Properties > type in proxy host settings behind existing Target entry):

"<Path to Fiji folder>\\ImageJ-win64.exe" -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128
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