Ensuring Continuity for Long Linux Processes with Tmux

Ensuring Continuity for Long Linux Processes with Tmux


Users might experience an issue when working with Linux Virtual Machines (VMs), especially when connecting through SSH using tools like Bastion or PowerShell. The problem arises when the connection to the VM is lost due to closing the browser tab, network issues, or any other interruption.

This behavior is particularly inconvenient for those running long scripts or processes that need to continue running in the background, for example, overnight.


Long running scripts/commands are vulnerable to being interrupted if your connection drops. It's recommended to execute these long running scripts/commands through a tool called tmux.

Tmux allows you to starts a terminal session that isn't coupled to your user, and as such will persist when you log out or lose connection.

To start a tmux session in your terminal use the following command:
'tmux new -s your_session_name'

Execute your long running script/commands in this tmux session. You can now exit the tmux session by closing the terminal/browser or by typing CTRL+B and then D.

You can resume your earlier tmux session with:
'tmux attach -t your_session_name'

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