anDREa B.V. obtains ISO 27001 certification

anDREa B.V. obtains ISO 27001 certification

Version: 2022-09-15

TL;DR: anDREa B.V. obtained ISO 27001 certification. Feel free to download the certificate (attached at the bottom).


anDREa B.V. is committed to protecting the security of its business information in the face of incidents and unwanted events and has implemented an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that is compliant with ISO/IEC/27001:2017+A11:2020, the international standard for information security. We have continually improved our ISMS since we proclaimed to work in accordance to ISO 27001 since Q3 2020.

Over the past year, several organizations engaged anDREa with their due-diligence requirements. They are pleased with anDREa's level of transparency, the measurements in place, and the evidence we can provide them.

We have given evidence that we are open to feedback and improvement by implementing suggestions that make sense. We have given evidence that we know our business by pushing back on suggestions that once we explain why we do not do it their suggestions no longer make sense to them either.

Two major feedback items across the board were:
  1. Insurance against liability.
  2. ISO 27001 certification.
We are proud to announce that both major feedback items have been realized!

ISO 27001 certification

From July 18th - 20th, a three-day certification audit was performed by DigiTrust, the accredited certifying body. In this certification audit, all ISO 27001 norm elements and annex controls were checked. On these items you can score either conform, minor non-conformity and critically non-conform.

To give an idea: minor non-conformities are items that take a corrective action plan (CAP) to be conform but are not dealbreakers. Usually certifying bodies allow about ten minor non-conformities before failing the audit. In the case of anDREa, three minor non-conformities were found:
  1. One HR-related.
  2. Two supplier management-related.
On July 25th, we handed in our CAPs for the three minor non-conformities for approval. On July 26th, the CAPs got approved and the complete report was sent to the certification manager for approval. As of September 1st, we are proud to announce that our ISMS is ISO 27001 certified.

Attached you can find and download our ISO 27001 certificate.

Continuous improvement

In line with the Plan, Do, Study and Act (PDSA) cycle, we are already looking into improvements regarding our ISMS. Currently, we are restructuring our policy documents and supporting documents before making these documents public on Zoho together with our Statement of Applicability.

This article will be updated once the policies and Statement of Applicability are publicly available.

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