(large) file transfer challenges: the files are corrupted, files are missing, MFA time out

(large) file transfer challenges: the files are corrupted, files are missing, MFA time out

Very large files

Very large files use a different transfer mechanism in the background to reduce the time needed for upload. For this a temporarily storage location is used (safe, secure, encrypted).

The downside is that the files must be moved to the Workspace afterwards and this can take time. Trying to use or copy the file prior to completion can result in a corrupt file.

Even when you see the file(s), wait till you are notified by email that the transfer is completed.
This deals with the problem that:
  1. Files/folders are missing
  2. Files are corrupted

When you do encounter this problem, delete and upload again.

Potential other causes for failed uploads
  1. Not waiting till you see that all files/folders are uploaded 100%
  2. Very long folders/file lengths
  3. Special characters in the folder or file name, the '+'-sign is notorious

Alternative upload mechanism

Use an external program like Microsoft's Azure Storage Explorer.

  1. Download and install Azure Storage Explorer on your local machine
    ** whatever the page may say, no need for credit card or to register, just download and install and follow the procedure below
  1. Go to your Workspace, files, press upload
  2. Click use external program
  3. Copy the SAS-URL (you don't need to wait: CLOSE, CANCEL)
  4. Open Azure Storage Explorer, click the connect button
  5. Select Blob container
  6. Select Shared access signature URL (SAS) and press NEXT
  7. Paste the copied SAS-URL in: Blob container SAS URL  (display name will be filled) and press NEXT, and following window CONNECT
  8. Drag and drop your files/folders and WAIT TILL COMPLETED
  9. In your Workspace either Close and Import in Workspace, or press manage inbox data
  10. Select the right inbox, and press IMPORT TO WORKSPACE, CLOSE
An timestamped upload folder is now available in your Inbox. You might need to refresh.










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