[Mitigated] Adding a Virtual Machine: Templates not found error

[Mitigated] Adding a Virtual Machine: Templates not found error

First version: 2024-03-26 @ 08:38
Last updated: 2024-03-26 @ 11:04
Last change: Added the mitigation, moved article to resolved.

What happened?

This morning, we found that templates for Virtual Machines (VMs) are not loading correctly and therefore adding a new Virtual Machine is not possible. The development team of anDREa is working on a resolution and we will update this message when changes occur. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Event log

2024-03-26 @ 11:04
A temporary fix has been implemented, templates should be visible again.
2024-03-26 @ 10:52
We have found the root cause and the team is working on a solution.
2024-03-26 @ 08:38
Templates for VMs are not loading correctly under Common templates. This affects the creation of new VMs. anDREa is investigating the root cause.

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